This animation was developed by NHS Education for Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. It is designed to be relevant to all workers within the Scottish workforce. It aims to support…
A range of self-help guides, produced by service users and the psychology team in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, to help people who are experiencing reactions to trauma and provide advice on managing these…
Working effectively with trauma in healthcare settings. A presentation Rixon McShane (Oasis Talking Therapies CIC) made on 8th March 2018.
A community of practice for people interested in developing trauma-informed working in hospice and palliative care through networking
A Case-Based Review of Trauma-Informed Hospice and Palliative Care at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Having open conversations about financial hardship at the end of life.
Trauma-informed palliative care is an emerging field that may enhance the care of people living with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses, with pre-existing trauma and/or recent trauma…